UAB „Medieva“ is implementing the project „Modernization of the production process of UAB „Medieva“ through the implementation of digital production technologies“.
The goal of the project is to modernize the production process of wood products by introducing a digital board cutting line in UAB „Medieva“’s production, creating conditions for increased productivity.

As a result of the project, the production process will be optimized thanks to the digitalized board cutting line. The implementation of the new line will allow offering clients larger production capacities as well as higher quality, straighter, and cleaner products. Thanks to the new modern manufacturing technologies, not only will product quality improve, but production costs and expenses will decrease, as well as the amount of waste and defects, downtimes due to manual labor, equipment cleaning, and repairs. All of this will not only improve the working conditions for employees but will also directly reflect in the final product price. As a result of the project implementation, conditions for the company’s productivity and revenue growth will be created. Through the implementation of the project, UAB „Medieva“ will introduce modern manufacturing technology that will allow digitalization, automation, and optimization of the company’s production process, reduce the amount of manual labor, improve productivity, and reduce production costs, produce higher-quality and in-demand products, and increase the company’s competitiveness.
The planned project implementation duration is 36 months.
The project value is 340,599.00 EUR. The project is partially funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014–2020 EU Funds Investment Action Program, Priority 3 „Promotion of the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises“ through the implementation measure No. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-854 „Industry Digitalization LT“.
Aivaras Dungveckis
Phone: +37068600623